Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I have a very sick little girl. She has been throwin' up all week, and, its the last week of school. Poor little thing. The best part of being in school too! the very last week is always the most fun. AND now the man has it too. If im lucky ill get through the week without catching it also. Im very carefull not to drink out of their water glasses, not to kiss them on the mouth, to bleach anything that they may have touched that may come in contact with MY mouth or any other part of me. I mean CRAP I cant get sick, I have to work damnit. So far the demon virus has stayed clear of me, I think it knows that I might do something drastic if its decides to take up residence anywhere in or around me, I have bleach and Im not afraid to use it!! Either that or my allergies are so bad (and they are) that nothing can get past it and when it does I sneeze it out so fast it cant take root. Not to mention that my home remedy involves some strong whiskey and since my man quit drinking 3 months ago so did I, now Im not sure what ill do if I get ill. SO on that note, after three days my girl is starting to feel a little better but still not good enough to attend school today, anyone out there got a good flu remedy they'd like to share with a tired mother of a sick 6 year old? I would really love it if she could attend the last day of school? Anyone?