Monday, August 25, 2008


Evil is sad.

Is it bad that I don't want to be thought of as a sexual object?

When do you stop to consider your value?

When do you stop to think "I am more than the "future porn star of America" that the adult's around me thought I was?"

When do you let yourself think, "I am a beautiful human being worthy of respect and admiration, regardless of what the adults around me thought I would become"?

When do you give yourself more value than anyone who you thought you could trust gave you?

When do you stop believing your a loser, just because that's all the adults around you thought you would become?


At 34 I still contemplate the value of my existence.

I still wonder "what would have become of me if the adults in my life would have really cared about my well being and my future as a contributing human being".

If the people I thought had my back didn't really think "if I could just get in her pants"

What then? Who would I have been? If someone would have just said, "you could be anything you wanted?" and really meant it?

What then?